Add battery % and connection state on devices screen
Tariq Ali
Fantastic update, thanks Adam.
Andy D
I love that the battery level and connection status show on the Devices page! That's an easy way for me to tell when one of my wands has batteries that need recharging (unfortunately, the solar panels don't quite seem to keep up and I have to tend to the batteries about every 3 months)
Adam Zilberbaum
You can also now control your Sunsa Wands on the main Devices screen by clicking the blind image on the left, to get full control click anywhere but the image :)
Gary Lockwood
Adam Zilberbaum: Yay! Thank you, Adam. You're the best. I love my Sunsa Wands even more now.
Adam Zilberbaum
Adam Zilberbaum
in progress
This will be live very soon as well as inline controls on the device screen :)
Gary Lockwood
Adam Zilberbaum: terrific. Thanks.
Gary Lockwood